Dreams do come true! Always believe … this is a proof that your dreams can come true when you don’t expect this – Igor Łukasik on mieszkaniec.pl

UKS Orzeł (Eagle) is a school football club for young players. It has been active for 28 years in the Praga-Północ district of Warsaw. The club is a sports home for kids from the Praga-Północ, Praga-Południe and Wola districts. It admits pre-school children to teenagers. The president of the club and parents of the young players tried hard to get money to send the kids to a summer sports camp but, unfortunately, didn’t succeed to collect the whole amount they needed.

Igor Łukasik, ex-volleyballer, fan of active life, a father who loves his daughter beyond imagination and a Praga-born fellow, read the announcement. And after a while! He came to the club himself, full of energy, enthusiasm and joy as if he was a kid, said hello to the children and gave the coach a cheque that would send the kids to the sports camp of their dreams.

It was a touchy moment. Praga district in Warsaw is my old home. I was growing up there and this place will always be in my heart. It’s no secret that I am found of sports – even if volleyball is my Number 1 forever, I appreciate and respect those kids who play football, and I saw myself their commitment they put whole-heartedly in their training.

For those children, the money was of no value by itself. For them, it was a way to make their dreams come true. I am a dad myself and I know that every parent would do everything and more for their kids. I am incredibly happy that I could be of help! The smiling faces of those boys, it was a priceless experience to see them. I will remember that joy for ever! And knowing that they will go to their sports camp is worth much more than any money. GO GET THEM, GUYS!” – Igor Łukasik.


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